Still I Rise – Caroline Kagia, 44 Yrs. Nairobi – Kenya | Ep 17.

In which area of life have you been most successful and comfortable to share with the world about? My journey in and recovery from Alcoholism.

What inspired you to pursue this journey, and how did you overcome initial challenges? My journey as a Certified Addictions Therapist, Speaker, Wellness and Recovery Coach is inspired by my twenty plus years battle with alcoholism. The subject of Alcoholism – particularly when it comes to the African woman, continues to be the “elephant in the room”. This means that it is not a comfortable topic discussed openly. When I first came out to publicly share my story regarding the struggle I had with the same, over the years, the response was overwhelming. People begun reaching out through my social media platforms in huge numbers. This is one of the reasons that:

    1. I went back to school to study Chemical Addiction & Treatment.
    2. I founded Caroline Kagia Wellness Initiative. An organisation that assists those struggling with alcohol and substance use, depression, anxiety, childhood trauma as well as suicidal ideation amongst other life-controlling issues and conditions.
    3. The initial challenges have taken the hand of The Almighty God to help me. Recovery from any sort of addiction, is not a walk in the park. It takes pure resilience, a solid support system, a deliberate change of lifestyle and lots of prayer.

My mindset has also been a total game-changer for me. 

Please share a significant moment or decision that played a significant role in your success? 
The day I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Enough of the hangovers! Enough of smelling like a brewery! Enough of self-sabotaging my life! That day begun a paradigm shift in every aspect of my life and has been the force behind my upward trajectory to date.

How do you navigate work-life balance and maintain your well-being amidst the success? I am a born again Christian. My walk with God, first and foremost keeps me grounded. It is of importance to start your day with God. I also pride myself in being orderly. This means that I schedule or diarise my daily tasks in order of their priority. Setting time aside to take care of me first (mind, spirt and body) helps in keeping myself sober and grounded.

What advice would you give to aspiring women on a similar journey or who dream of the same kind of success? 
    1. Put God first in all that you do. Prayer and regular commune with Him will set you far above your counterparts.
    2. Set aside some time, to read/research on whatever it is you aspire to be successful in. For instance, if you aspire to be a great public speaker, watch videos on how other highly sought after speakers are doing it. Take a step further and enrol in their master classes to learn more.
    3. Dare to dream BIG. Envision yourself as the successful person you want to be and don’t waver. Remember: Your dreams are valid.
In the face of setbacks, how do you stay resilient and continue to thrive in your journey? I don’t give myself room for self-pity. I simply get up and try again.

We are grateful to Caroline for allowing us to share her journey. If you need support in navigating your own journey like Caroline has done, please let us know. Please give some love to Caroline by leaving a comment below. You can also reach out to us via the contact section if you know a woman whose story will encourage other women globally like Carolines’ story today. God Bless You!

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One Response

  1. As a recovering alcoholic I find your thoughts encouraging, it's a struggle building up again but I believe I'll overcome it and come out stronger and a better person keeping my eyes on the goal.
    I wish you all the best Carol. A day at a time does it.

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