Perfectly Imperfect – Sonia Magambo, 43 Yrs, Atlanta, GA – U.S.A | Ep 4.

What inspired you to pursue this journey, and how did you overcome initial challenges? I was inspired to pursue the journey of self-love when I realized that I had lived most of my formative years hiding behind the scenes. Your light won’t shine if you keep it covered and your gifts won’t bless others if you keep them the hidden.

My breakthrough came when I did my work and realised that my perfectionism hindered me from showing up authentically. My true authentic self allows me to show up as who God created me to be in all areas of my life. I know now that the most important relationship is the one that I have with myself and if I love me then it becomes easy to serve and love others authentically. I no longer pursue perfectionism, however, I will go hard after that which feels right regardless of who’s watching!


Please share a significant moment or decision that played a significant role in your success? Watching my daughter (who’s very much like me) struggle with perfectionism was my biggest aha! moment. I had to unlearn my unhealthy habits because she watches me constantly and I do not want her to be hard on herself like I was. I did the work so she wouldn’t have to and for that I’m forever grateful.


How do you navigate work-life balance and maintain your well-being amidst the success? BALANCE … now that’s been my word this year and I make it my business to show up daily for myself just as much if not more than I’m showing up for others. I am my first ministry therefore I make sure my cup is filled before I attend to others. That usually includes my quiet time with God, journaling (it’s so underrated!) and working out. In the last ten years I have worked out regardless of what’s going on in my life and a lot that could put me down has happened, but my work must go on. I may not be motivated but I show up anyways. The only bad work-out is the one that didn’t happen because you psyched yourself out of it.

What advice would you give to aspiring women on a similar journey or who dream of the same kind of success? Fix your relationship with self so you can better pursue healthy relationships with others… and don’t forget to fill your cup first (whatever that may look like sleep, rest, exercise, time with God, time with loved ones etc…) so you can better serve others.

In the face of setbacks, how do you stay resilient and continue to thrive in your journey? My relationship with God is my grounding ALWAYS and especially when I face setbacks. I trust His heart and I know His plans for me are good… PERIOD!

I also look back at the resilience of the strong women who raised me (cucu and mum). I stand on their sturdy shoulders and that definitely keeps me going!!!

We are grateful to Sonia for allowing us to share her journey. If you need support in navigating your own journey like Sonia has done, please let us know.

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One Response

  1. Sonia is a phenomenal woman! I have been following her blog posts on Facebook for a while and I can say I am very inspired by her. Thanks for sharing this post about her! Sandra

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