Reading Revolution: A Teacher’s Mission to Ignite Minds – Margaret Ngina Masikonde, 52 Yrs. Narok – Kenya | EP 16.

What inspired you to pursue this journey, and how did you overcome initial challenges? Back in 2010, I participated in the Uwezo Kenya Radio Program Development and Planning Workshop. From the workshop, a shocking report revealed that 1 in 5 school-going children could not read. In classrooms, the pictures were even bleaker: only 1 in 10 third graders could grasp second-grade skills. Further, absenteeism runs rampant, jeopardizing the young minds. These numbers ignited a fire within me. A fire that wouldn’t be extinguished until I dedicated my life to transforming the learning and upbringing of children in my community.

A couple of years later, I was transferred to a different workstation, Katakala Primary School_ Narok, and assigned to teach lower primary learners. Teaching Lower Primary at Katakala wasn’t just a job; it was a mission. I understood the crucial role early literacy plays in a child’s development. So, I went beyond textbooks, crafting engaging teaching-learning resources with them and transforming the classroom into a vibrant landscape of discovery. Through hands-on learning, I transformed abstract concepts into tangible experiences, igniting a love for literacy and a thirst for knowledge in my young learners. But I knew true success required a collective effort. So, I reached out to families and the community, forging strong partnerships that brought everyone on board – parents, teachers, and neighbors alike. Hence fostering a supportive network that nurtured not just academic success but also positive attitudes toward education. This holistic approach is rewriting the narrative – not just for individual children but for our entire community in Narok. We are weaving a tapestry of social change, one thread at a time, and I am proud to be the weaver, guiding families and educators toward a brighter future.

My mission to initiate social change was coupled with several challenges in the initial stages. Juggling classroom and administrative responsibilities, engaging parents, and forging community connections was a constant dance, demanding both time and energy. Maintaining motivation in the face of seemingly slow progress was also a significant challenge. Additionally, transforming traditional learning methods and building partnerships with families and the community required navigating the resistance of established systems and mindsets.

To combat burnout, I sought solace in the shared laughter of my students. Their “aha!” moments were my fuel. I celebrated small victories and saw each child’s progress as a testament to the collective journey. When working with communities, I listened to the concerns of families and developed solutions that respected their traditions while embracing innovation. I also reached out to connect with other passionate educators, community leaders and even online forums that provided encouragement, inspiration, and shared strategies.

Please share a significant moment or decision that played a significant role in your success? In 2017, I saw a dream come to life. I partnered with a friend, Mrs. Ellen Ombati and created the Narok County Book Bus which is a mobile library brimming with donated storybooks, that crisscrosses our entire county. The receiving schools read the storybooks and later pass them to the next school. The objective of the ‘’book bus’’ is to promote literacy skills amongst our learners. It creates a spirit of competition in acquiring literacy skills amongst learners that build their vocabulary and develops their attitude towards reading.

The exchange goes beyond books. As the bus travels, learners visit each other’s schools, sharing ideas, forging friendships, and broadening their horizons through diverse learning activities. Back in class, I guide them through afternoons of fun, comprehension-focused reading sessions. We capture these moments on video, projecting them for the whole school to enjoy, and share our journey on the Narok County Book Bus Facebook page, where valuable feedback fuels our continuous improvement. Katakala Primary School proudly received the first Book Bus, and now we boast five bibliophile vehicles spreading the joy of reading across the county.

My dedication extends beyond the Book Bus. During my time at Katakala, I championed the creation of a dedicated Learning Unit for learners with disabilities. Witnessing its establishment was only the beginning. I’m deeply invested in ensuring these leaners receive quality education and equal opportunities to thrive alongside their peers in my bid to promote inclusivity and empowerment for all.

How do you navigate work-life balance and maintain your well-being amidst the success? Navigating work-life balance and maintaining well-being is a constant challenge for most individuals. Throughout, I strive to set boundaries and prioritize self-care. I set regular working hours and also schedule time for my hobbies which include crotchet knitting. I also engage in activities that promote mental and physical well-being, such as exercise, spending time in nature, and engaging in creative pursuits such as making DIY (Do it yourself) home décor.
Besides, I have learnt to celebrate small wins and acknowledge and appreciate personal achievements, no matter how small. This often boosts my morale and motivation.

What advice would you give to aspiring women on a similar journey or who dream of the same kind of success? For women in a similar journey, I would urge them to not let anyone dim their inner flame. I implore you to find your passion. Something that sparks your heart. Remember, that your journey begins with a dream, not a blueprint. So, hold onto your vision and let it guide your path. Also, don’t wait for someone else to create the change you want to see. Be the initiator, the innovator, the one who takes the first step. Remember, setbacks will always be there, but don’t let them define you. Learn from them, adapt, and keep moving forward!

In the face of setbacks, how do you stay resilient and continue to thrive in your journey? In the face of adversity, I remain resilient by remembering my “why”. When doubt creeps in, I revisit my core purpose of igniting a love for learning and empowering vulnerable communities. Reconnecting with the impact of my work, like seeing a child’s eyes light up with a new book or a leaner with disabilities overcome a learning hurdle, rekindles my passion and fuels my determination.

I also view challenges as stepping stones, each one teaching me a valuable lesson about resourcefulness, collaboration, or perseverance. This growth mindset allows me to bounce back stronger and refine my approach.

We are grateful to Margaret for allowing us to share her journey. If you need support in navigating your own journey like Margaret has done, please let us know.

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