Hope Against All Odds – Lilian Owegi, 39 Yrs. Nairobi – Kenya | Ep 19.

In which area of life have you been
most successful and comfortable to share with the world about?
  Motherhood for a special

What inspired you to pursue this
journey, and how did you overcome initial challenges
? Loneliness as a special
mother in addition with the fear of what will happen next if I wasn’t around
for my child has enabled me to currently support over 35 women with special
needs children in my community and the journey continues. Simply the abiding
Grace of God that led to the formation of Omni Foundation. Omnipresent
omnipotent omniscient GOD.

share a significant moment or decision that played a significant role in your
? When I visited my son’s doctor for his quarterly reviews given he’s fully
disabled with a condition known as Cerebral palsy and the doctor having walked
with me the journey for 12 years called me and after the review informed me
that my sons condition had gotten a stable state meaning nothing else could be
done for him. He instead advised that I focus on making him comfortable and
loving him and that would be all. I felt at the moment that I needed a higher
purpose to live life for that was more than what I was doing and through God’s intervention
and revelation began the journey to support and give back to other children
like my son and mother’s walking through this journey like me.

do you navigate work-life balance and maintain your well-being amidst the
My faith in God plays the
biggest role for me with the revelation as a believer that I can do all things
through Christ who gives me strength, this has enabled me to navigate life and
still give back to others .My Son is fully dependent on me, he’s on a wheel
chair and needs my support in doing everything but through the hand of God I am
a mother, a full time employee, an employer, a leader and Founder of the Omni
Foundation, and currently pursuing my PhD .The reasons for all this can only be
the grace of God upon me.

 What advice would you give to aspiring women
on a similar journey or who dream of the same kind of success
? One thing I usually advise special mothers because they can relate with
the situation is that no temptation has be fallen them except what is common to
mankind. God is faithful and he will not allow them to be tempted beyond what
they cannot bear and that when they are faced with such burdens in life, He
will always make a way out.

I am sure by now it’s clear that personally besides my faith in Christ
theirs no guidance I can give anyone. I say this with a lot of humility
recognizing that having walked this journey with my son for the last 12 years,
there is nothing I haven’t done or places I wouldn’t go for him or research I
haven’t done…I believe my fellow women going through similar life situations
that there isn’t any advice they haven’t heard and the more reason I guide them
on the only person who sticks the closest, who guides ,comforts, encourages,
gives wisdom and is always their even when the world shuts its doors above
all,  the one who has never failed is God


In the face of setbacks, how do you
stay resilient and continue to thrive in your journey
? I have faced it all from the pain of fear, anxiety,
heartbreak and depression but amidst all that I have also received joy,
happiness, fulfilment, love and affection. I stand on the word of God that I
know how to live when am poor and I know how to live when I have plenty. I have
learnt the secret of being happy in everything that happens, when I have enough
to eat and when am hungry, when I have more than I need and when I do not have
enough. With this I believe again that I am unstoppable and I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me.

We are
grateful to Lillian for allowing us to share her journey. If you need support
in navigating your own journey like Lillian has done, please let us know.

give some love to Lillian by leaving a comment below. You can also reach out to
us via the contact section if you know a woman whose story will
encourage other women globally like Lillian’s story today. God Bless You!

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