Standing Tall on Sinking Ground – Rasoha Wirukha, 64 Yrs. Kaimosi – Vihiga | Ep 27.

 In which
area of life have you been most successful and comfortable to share with the
world about?
 Personal determination

inspired you to pursue this journey, and how did you overcome
initial challenges?
I had children whom I was the primary breadwinner to and had to take care
of them. I prayed to God for strength with the knowledge that it was by his
will that I be in union and have a family. That was my motivation to push on.

Please share a significant
moment or decision that played a significant role in your success?
There was a day I decided to travel to Nairobi to
look for employment as my husband did and was residing and upon arrival I found
him in a devastating state and the narrative about the city changed for me and I
decided to return back home. My understanding prior to the visit was that the
city had better living conditions but afterwards I returned to my rural home
and started farming and slowly made ends meet. I was able to take care of myself,
the children, my mother in law and my sister in law without any support from others.
The mercy and grace of God led my husband to return home and the house he left
disorganized now was shining and in harmony. I can smile because my marriage
came back to a strong foundation once again.

How do you navigate work-life
balance and maintain your well-being amidst the success?
I work hard in everything that I do with the knowledge
that good tides will come my way. I ensure that I pray for my family and
dedicate them before God. I go to the farm daily to do some cultivation and
this ensures my independent survival and my family’s wellbeing.

What advice
would you give to aspiring women on a similar journey or who dream of the same
kind of success?
would tell women to have resilience, be Prayerful, work hard and to use their God
given opportunities to provide for their families. This will make them achieve
personal joy and fulfilment and make their families lives better.

 In the face of setbacks, how do
you stay resilient and continue to thrive in your journey?
I am a Christian and this gives me a chance to
pray whenever I am in despair. I seek advice from my loved ones and I keep a strong
heart and mind when encountering challenges.

We are grateful to Rasoha for allowing us to share her journey. If you need support in navigating your own journey like Rasoha has done, please let us know.

Please give some love to Rasoha by leaving a comment below. You can also reach out to us via the contact section if you know a woman whose story will encourage other women globally like Rasoha’s story today. God Bless You!

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