Nothing is Impossible – Dr. Judy Matu. Mombasa – Kenya | Ep 34.

In which area of life have you been most successful and comfortable to share with the world about? Building an organisation for impact.

What inspired you to pursue this journey, and how did you overcome initial challenges? I am a firm believer in God who ignites my self-drive. I find strength in knowing that I have everything I need to start and God will guide me through including connecting me divinely to strategic destiny connectors. I am strong willed and that helps me in seeing opportunities through challenges, even to see hope through a seemingly hopeless state. I believe I have a purpose and I live everyday pushing to live that. Whatever that is. When I hear the success stories from the women we support, it reignites my resolve and motivates me to go further. I don’t dwell on accolades. I take a very short time to celebrate and realise that the stakes are high and they only get higher. We can’t settle.

Please share a significant moment or decision that played a significant role in your success? When my contract at the County Government of Mombasa ended, I felt strongly that I should venture into building my organisation rather than seeking a renewed contract. I never attempted to renew my contract, even though I had nothing but gratuity.

How do you navigate work-life balance and maintain your well-being amidst the success? Evenings and weekends are for self-care and family. I do not attend to work issues unless it is extremely necessary. I also carry my daughter along for trips sometimes, when I can. It helps us bond and also she gets to see what I see, experience what I experience and feel what I feel through travel. Friday nights are game nights and my daughter is the games mistress.

What advice would you give to aspiring women on a similar journey or who dream of the same kind of success? Nothing is impossible. Dream and work towards it. It is not easy but it is possible. Some days will be extremely difficult but you can’t quit. You can never quit surround yourself with positive minded people. People who encourage you but also people who challenge you. Read and interact to grow your knowledge and network within your realm of interest. Pray and believe that God is with you.

In the face of setbacks, how do you stay resilient and continue to thrive in your journey?  I pray. God is my everything.

We are grateful to Judy for allowing us to share her journey. If you need support in navigating your own journey like Judy has done, please let us know.

Please give some love to Judy by leaving a comment below. You can also reach out to us via the contact section if you know a woman whose story will encourage other women globally like Judy’s story today. God Bless You!

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